Karolio Dineikos Health Park was opened for visitors in May 2015 in Druskininkai. This is another really impressive addition to Druskininkai resort infrastructure and only 2km away from Domi Lini. The park features: Natural Hydrotherapy Baths with cascading water of small Ratnycele river, beach volleyball field, badminton field, fun climbing for kids, lots of open air sports training equipment.
The roots of Karolio Dineikos park date back to the end of 19th century. The place got the name of the park officially though only in 1925, when famous Polish physician Eugenia Lewicka started here sun and air baths following methodology of Linnhardt . The place expanded with additional recreational and health activities (cascade baths, fields for gymnastics, etc.) were added under the leadership of Karolis Dineika who was general manager of the park from 1952 to 1978. It was decided that newly renovated park would carry Karolis Dineika name.
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